onsemi and Sineng Electric Spearhead the Development of Sustainable Energy Applications


2023 年 5 月 16日 —智能电源和智能感知技术的领导者安森美(onsemi,美国纳斯达克上市代号:ON),宣布上能电气(Sineng Electric)将在其公用事业级太阳能逆变器和引领业界的200 kW 储能系统(ESS)中集成安森美的EliteSiC 碳化硅 (SiC) MOSFET和基于IGBT的高密度功率集成模块(PIM)。两家公司合作开发的优化方案,将最大程度地提高太阳能逆变器及储能变流器的性能。

上能电气与安森美合作推出的基于EliteSiC的公用事业级组串式逆变器,相比集中式逆变器,具有更灵活的安装方案,更低的维护成本和更短的故障停机时间。上能电气在200 kW ESS中采用安森美高度优化的单级多电平PIM,能实现领先业界的系统能效和更低的总拥有成本。



安森美高级副总裁兼先进电源分部总经理Asif Jakwani说:“凭借安森美高性能产品的优势和上能电气在电力电子系统设计方面的专长,我们共同持续致力于提高系统整体能效,这在向未来净零排放目标迈进的进程中将发挥关键作用。”


About onsemi

onsemi (Nasdaq: ON) is driving disruptive innovations to help build a better future. With a focus on automotive and industrial end-markets, the company is accelerating change in megatrends such as vehicle electrification and safety, sustainable energy grids, industrial automation, and 5G and cloud infrastructure. onsemi offers a highly differentiated and innovative product portfolio, delivering intelligent power and sensing technologies that solve the world’s most complex challenges and leads the way to creating a safer, cleaner and smarter world. onsemi is recognized as a Fortune 500® company and included in the Nasdaq-100 Index® and S&P 500® index. Learn more about onsemi at www.onsemi.com.


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